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The History of the "Big Broadcast"

.In March of 2020, the cruise and entertainment industry came to an abrupt stop. A virus from China forced most people into hiding. I decided to fill the downtime by launching an internet radio station named Best at Sea. As part of the programming, I also launched a daily two-hour show to be hosted by me. Two weeks after launch, legendary comedy-magician John Ferrentino joined the show, and it became the Big Broadcast. Within weeks, I was joined by radio personality BJ Odom and Oceania Cruises' "Cruise Director on Loan," Dottie Kulasa and the Big Broadcast became bigger. During the ten months that the show aired, we visited with many guests. Below are the videos of those visits. Enjoy! Tom Drake

CBS Hall of Fame Broadcaster 
Verne Lundquist

Shannon McKee
President Access Cruise Inc

Piano Showman Jon England

Superstar Entertainer Joel Mason

Lecturer Roger Cartwright

Panama Canal Captain
Andrew Efthimiadis

Free Climber & Adventurer
Matteo Ribecco

Travel with Adam Martindale

Mr "Happy Days"
Bobby Arvon

Chef John Stephano

Shannon McKee
President Access Cruise Inc

Richard Ambrose
Sr. VP of Ent Norwegian Cruise 

The Hilarious "Sarge"

Thomas Stauffer
University President

Actor Frankie Verocca 

General Manager Victor Conceico

Chef Annie Copps

Ryan Joseph 
Singer, Songwriter, Musician

Master Magician Todd Robbins

Comedian Cory Kahaney

Danika Portz
Singer Songwriter

Chef David Shalleck

Speaker Harry Strong

Speaker Dr. David Plourd

Chef Kathryn Kelly

2021 Best at Sea Entertainment LLC

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